20 Things Happy People Know

In the course of coaching so many smart, busy women (and some enlightened, progressive men) towards their happiest healthiest lives, I see such strong patterns emerging. Here are 20 of them (twenty!); characteristics of a big, full, happy life, well-lived.

See how many you tick off and then pick one or two that you would like a little more of in your life, and start working it into your day to day – and see your mood and magic on the rise! Boom!

Here are 20 things smart, happy, energetic people do…

1. They know they are perfectly imperfect. They are not chasing the mirage of perfect – but embracing themselves as a glorious imperfect work in progress…just the same as everyone else. Ah…so stress relieving! No one else “has it all figured out” either!

2. They take time for themselves without beating themselves up for it! Taking the time but feeling guilty negates the freedom of the commitment. Guilt-free me time is the way to go. They choose it AND enjoy it.

3. They set boundaries that honour who they REALLY are. The job, the relationship, the way the house runs, how they spend their leisure time. They are not trying to be someone else for someone else. They are unashamedly themselves.

4. They are not afraid to say ‘no’. They know it’s the key to being able to say yes to more of what they do want in their life.

5. They know the difference between a problem and a fact. If it’s a problem they find a solution. If it’s a fact they acknowledge that and then stop fighting it. Let go. Move on.

6. They know worry is a waste of energy. It’s using the imagination for bad rather than good. They take their focus to what they can affect and let go of the rest.

7. They spend much more time playing up and emphasising their strengths than improving their weaknesses. Life is too short to address weaknesses: hire or barter to address them and spend your time in the happy zone rocking what you are naturally good at.

8. Authenticity is their middle name. What you see is what you get whatever the context. Playing games and politics is a waste of energy and time.

9. They know the sartorial power of a really good pair of heels.

10. They know that if you look good on the outside you feel better on the inside. This starts with matching underwear. How can that make you feel different? It just DOES! They honour and respect their body and speak kindly about it.

11. The own their emotions. All of them. They don’t drown them in alcohol, or smother them in cupcakes, or try and run away from them with excessive exercise or workaholism. They feel them. They know there is no such thing as a “good” or “bad” emotion any more than there is good or bad weather. We need sunshine as much as rain to make this world a beautiful place!

12. They know rest is as important as action. That play is as important as work.

13. They don’t take life or themselves too seriously. They laugh. A lot!

14. They are brave when they need to be.

15. They cut the “obligationfest” out of their life. They do not spend their precious time and energy on energy sucking people or things.

16. They do not worry about what “everybody” thinks. It’s none of their business. They stay focused on their own stuff.

17. They know how to ask for what they need, and are not afraid to ask. Knowing that rather than offending people nine times out of ten this clarity is welcomed and embraced.

18. They know what their real priorities in life are and consciously decide in favour of them. Every single day.

19. They know that everything in life is a choice. All we have to do is breathe. After that everything else is a choice. So they choose wisely and without regret.

20. They love without fear, and know they are strong enough to handle whatever happens.

I bet you ticked off a whole heap of these, but there are a few that you could do with incorporating a little more of – pick one that you could do with a little extra of in your life and apply liberally!

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